
Georg Fichtinger

Life Dates


Born June 14th, 1964 in 3631 Ottenschlag, Waldviertel

Lives in Stammersdorf, 1210 Vienna

Married, four children (born 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006)


Education, Studies

University of Vienna and Salzburg




Technical University Vienna

MAS – Master of Advanced Studies (Real Estate und Facility Management)



Technical University Vienna

MAS – Master of Advanced Studies – Valuation



Association of Court accredited Surveyors

Court accredited Surveyor since 2001


Royal Instiution of Chartered Surveyors

Fellow (since 2010) – Member (since 2002)


Technical University Vienna

Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Facility Management





My family – but merciless when playing cards with the children

Growing vegetables in our own garden

Winemaker Fun (Stamm7)

Passionate cyclist to the office

Committed waste separator for years and overall sustainability focussed

Appreciate & enjoy life and friendships





Be yourself the change you wish for in this world. 

(Mahatma Gandhi)


“Whatever we do today determines what the world will look like tomorrow. 

(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

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